Dita Travel

Value your vacations!
Linja të rregullta
Shtunë / dielë | Nisja në 03:00 | Kthimi në 18:00
Prishtinë - Selanik - Prishtinë (1 ditore)
Çdo të shtunë | Nisja në 06:00 | Kthimi në 23:00
Prishtinë - Dubrovnik (2 ditore)
Çdo të Enjte | Nisja në 19:00 | Kthimi në 23:00
Prishtinë - Budapest - Vienë (3 ditore)

About us

Dita Travel has over twenty-five years of experience in all types of transport, including mini cars, vans, minibuses and buses.
Our company consists of a fleet of over 50 vehicles and a professional staff trained precisely to give our passengers a perfect travel experience, with the most comfortable and newest models of vehicles on the market.
Our company is known for its long experience in the field of tourism, as it has been entrusted to transport people from the most important institutions in Kosovo and Albania: The Kosovo Army, the Kosovo Police, the Government of Kosovo, the Assembly of Kosovo & Albania, as well as the private transport of many VIPs and influential people throughout Europe.

Why choose us?

Licensed company

Inside & outside the country


Years of experience


Visited destinations


Professional staff


Available online

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Main office

St. Ilir Konushevci
Prishtina 31000, Kosova

Tel: +383 (0) 44 317 915
Email: [email protected]

Early booking

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